According to a government statement, which VerAngola had access to, the project has a global budget of 85.7 billion kwanzas, to be used in the period 2023-2026.
"This amount will be distributed through the Agrarian Development Support Fund (FADA), in collaboration with the Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) and the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP) to train beneficiaries", the statement reads.
In statements after the first ordinary meeting of the Local Government Council – held last Saturday in Ondjiva, in the province of Cunene, under the guidance of the President of the Republic – the minister said that people will be trained.
"We train people, help them to organize themselves, pass on technical knowledge through field schools, seminars, and ensure that these families have access to the means they need to increase their production and productivity", he explained, quoted in the statement.
According to António Francisco de Assis, one of the project's main strategies is to introduce "more advanced agricultural equipment", such as tractors and motorbikes, which will replace "the traditional tools used by farming families".
The 'Osi Yetu' project is expected to allocate 35.4 billion kwanzas "for the purchase of tractors and the recovery of idle fleets between 2024 and 2026".
"To strengthen the financial and production capacity of the community funds, the 'Osi Yetu' project has allocated 16.5 billion kwanzas, distributed over three years, with five billion in 2024, 6.5 billion in 2025 and 5.4 billion in 2026", the statement reads.
It should be noted that, in recent months, several young people have been trained in specialized courses in subjects such as mechanics, operation of machines, motor cultivators, tractors, as well as maintenance and repair of this equipment, supported by INEFOP.
After completing the training, "the young people receive support from FADA, which provides them with access to resources to acquire the tools necessary to carry out their activities", explains the statement.
According to the minister, the results are "very good" in some provinces: "We already have very good results in some provinces such as Huambo, Bié and Namibe".