Ver Angola


Carnival 2025: draw for the parade in Luanda takes place in September

The president of the Luanda Provincial Carnival Association (APROCAL), Víctor Nataniel "Tany” Narciso, informed that the draw for next year's Carnival parade in Luanda is scheduled for next month.

: Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda
Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda  

In statements quoted by Jornal de Angola, before the opening of the third provincial meeting of the Luanda Carnival, the official announced that the draw for the parade of the children's and adults' A and B categories of the 2025 Carnival in the capital will be held in September.

This Thursday, the third provincial meeting of the Luanda Carnival took place at the Instituto Geográfico e Cadastral de Angola (IGCA).

According to a statement from the government of the province of Luanda (GPL), to which VerAngola had access, the meeting "served for a broad approach to the issues related to the carnival, especially methods and procedures for organizing, carrying out, producing and defining strategies that allow for greater participation of the various segments of society".

The opening ceremony was performed by the vice-governor for the Political and Social Sector, Manuel António Gonçalves.

On the occasion, the deputy governor, quoted in the statement, announced that next year's Carnival "aims to revive carnival dances such as Dizanda, Cabetula and Catutula".

The GPL aims to make the Luanda Carnival a profitable and innovative event, in order to help improve the social conditions of groups and families. Quoted by Angop, deputy governor Manuel Gonçalves considered that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for the carnival to maintain its originality and for the groups to be more creative.

"The country's largest cultural event must keep up with the dynamics of technological advances and the socio-economic needs of its operators. Therefore, it is necessary to think of a sustainable and profitable Luanda Carnival, which should boost tourism, encourage self-employment and family income through creative industries and the production of carnival artefacts", he stated.

According to the GPL, the meeting was attended by the director of the Provincial Office for Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports, Teresa Tatiana de Morais Mbuta, as well as provincial delegates and directors, APROCAL, among others.

Next year, Carnival Day will fall on March 4, the day on which the 'revelers' are expected to parade down Avenida Dr. António Agostinho Neto, in the capital.


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