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School books cost between 3500 and 53.000 kwanzas

The prices of school books in some markets in the province of Luanda range from 3500 to 53,000 kwanzas. For example, for manuals from initiation to sixth grade, prices vary between 3500 and 6800 kwanzas, while ninth grade books assume one of the highest values, worth 53 thousand kwanzas.


According to a survey carried out by Angop in markets such as the Congoleses, Asa Branca and São Paulo, for manuals from initiation to sixth grade, guardians pay between 3500 and 6800 kwanzas for their acquisition.

As for the seventh grade, guardians have to disburse around 39,000 kwanzas. While for the eighth and ninth grades, supervisors pay around 45,000 kwanzas and 53,000 kwanzas, respectively, with Portuguese language manuals being the most expensive.

According to Angop, the high prices, linked to the decrease in the population's purchasing power, make several supervisors prioritize the acquisition of manuals considered essential, such as Portuguese, Biology and Physics.

However, the rise in prices is not just about manuals. According to Vânia António, quoted by Angop, other types of school materials (notebooks, pencils, etc.) also saw their price increase. Vânia António says that it is difficult for parents to "work around" this scenario: "It is difficult for parents to get around this situation, we don't know if we buy school materials and stop putting food on the table or vice versa".

Francisco Paulo, on the other hand, taking into account the lack of distribution of manuals, gives preference to purchasing materials on the informal market, although current prices make him reflect. With a son in the sixth grade, Francisco Paulo says that everything is expensive and that it is necessary to find "a middle ground".

"Everything is expensive, we will have to find a compromise, buy some books and leave the others for later, otherwise we won't even have money to buy food", he said, quoted by Angop.

Domingas Lemos also says she does not have the capacity to acquire all the manuals. With a son in the seventh grade, he said he was "distressed", adding: "it is not possible to buy all the books that cost more than 30,000, my salary is not enough".

Inácia Pascoal, a salesperson, made it known that the demand for manuals has been greater, but their cost has led citizens to purchase only a few. "We are buying expensive books and we have to resell them at a price that we manage to withdraw the money invested and some profit margin", she said, speaking to Angop.

Remember that the new academic year has the official opening scheduled for this Friday, September 1st, with classes starting on September 4th.


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