According to a communiqué from the MED, to which VerAngola had access, in statements to the press, the official assured that the distribution process is already underway.
"The official assured that the process of distributing the manuals to the provinces is already underway and hopes to reach the most remote areas, so that no one is left behind", reads the note.
Pacheco Francisco also advanced that "the sale of these manuals is expressly prohibited and the authorities are alert to detain and sanction anyone who does so".
With regard to the start of the academic year, the MED, through another communiqué, informs that the opening ceremony will take place next Friday, September 1st, from 9:00 am, in Malanje, under the motto "The Change in Education Begins with the teacher".
"This academic year will have more than nine million students, with emphasis on initiation students, with more than one million new entries", refers the tutelage, which adds: "For this purpose, the MED will carry out the free distribution of more than two million school manuals, from beginners to 6th grade, throughout the national territory".
The guardianship also recalls that classes actually start on September 4, calling on "parents and guardians to guide their students to be present on this date, as it is the first day of classes".
In terms of timing, remember that the first quarter will run until December 15th. The second quarter returns to January 3 of the next year and lasts until the end of March, while the third quarter begins on April 8 and ends on July 31, 2024.