Ver Angola


Justice officers served five days of strike without dialogue with the employer

This Friday, the justice officers fulfilled the last of five days of strike, to claim the improvement of working conditions and wages, without reaching an agreement with the employer, said a union source.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

The secretary general of the Union of Justice Officials of Angola (SOJA), Joaquim de Brito Teixeira, stressed that the strike had a "mass adhesion", and extended throughout the country.

"We must feel satisfied, because the adhesion was massive, despite some setbacks of different natures (...), we could feel much more satisfied, if by chance we could sit down [with the employer] in this period at the same table and discuss the burning issues that made us need to make that stop", he said.

Joaquim Teixeira de Brito stressed that "everything was done to improve both social and working conditions for justice officers".

According to the union leader, the first phase of the strike ended this Friday, and work should be resumed, starting on Monday, for the next 45 days.

The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights considered the stoppage of work to be illegal, considering that the procedure for declaring the strike was "fraught with various vices that blemish its exercise, as intended by the union".

In a note, the employer stressed that SOJA did not present any document proving the holding of the general assembly of workers, its notice or deliberative quorum with the signatures of all the workers present.

According to the government, the union never interacted with the management to address issues related to the employees, being "false and malicious the allegation of lack of availability of the ministry management to dialogue with the workers".

SOJA points to failures by the Government with regard to the demands for improvements in technical and administrative services, whose conditions are currently "inhuman and inconceivable" in several provinces of the country, as well as problems with remuneration statutes, which they say "deserve attentive treatment ".


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