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Successful recipes from an angolan student in Cuba

The angolan Ruth Sole graduated in law from the University of Havana, but his great passion is gastronomy. Living in Cuba, the student has been noticed for the recipes she shares on social networks and the services she has provided at events in that country.


It was only at the age of 15 that Ruth Sole - who has been making a name for herself in the world of gastronomy and is already known as Chef Rusole - began to develop her passion for pots and pans.

A passion that, according to Platinaline, was well received and has always had the support of her father.

In 2014, the angolan headed to Cuba, where she decided to learn more about the world of gastronomy and took a professional culinary course.

Ruth Sole wants to open several restaurants, in various parts of the world, and aspires to win a Michelin star.

According to Platinaline, the student's services will soon be available in Angola.

If you are interested in replicating her recipes, visit her Facebook and Instagram pages.

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