The refereeing team - composed of the commissioner of the match, the main referee, two assistants and the fourth referee - receives, per match, 290 thousand kwanzas.
The amount, which is agreed in the previous season, is divided into six parts. According to Jornal de Angola, 15 thousand kwanzas go to the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) Fund, 75 thousand go to the commissioner of the match, 70 thousand to the main referee, 60 thousand to the fourth referee and each of the assistants receives 65 thousand kwanzas.
In a game day, which generally comprises eight matches, clubs spend an average of two million and 320 thousand kwanzas. Of that amount, 120 thousand are destined to the FAF. Once the accounts are done, the amount spent by each club during the season is four million and 350 thousand kwanzas, of which 225 thousand go to the FAF Fund.
In addition to the expenses with the matches, the teams also have to spend money on accommodation, food and transport for the refereeing team. According to the same newspaper, on average each referee spends about 300,000 kwanzas on transport: so, in transport alone, the 16 clubs spend 72 million kwanzas per season.
In the accommodation each club spends 75 thousand kwanzas daily, making a total of 225 thousand kwanzas spent at the end of three days. The values can always vary depending on the type of hotel where the referees stay. Only clubs with state sponsorship can place the refereeing teams in five-star hotels.
As for food, each team spends 112,500 kwanzas per match, an amount used to pay for about three meals a day for three days. Once the bills are done, during the whole championship each club spends 1,687,500 kwanzas.
The regulations state that the clubs registered in Girabola have the obligation to take care of the refereeing team of each match. The costs become high as the clubs spend a lot of money without having any return or investment.