Ver Angola


Treasury raised 161.2 million dollars in bonds

The Government issued National Treasury bonds worth 156.7 million dollars and reached the amount of 161.2 million dollars, the Ministry of Finance announced on Friday.

: Expansão

According to the Balance Sheet of Treasury Bonds Issued in Foreign Currency, the transaction was carried out on the Angolan Debt and Securities Exchange (Bodiva), with maturities between seven and 10 years, with maturities in February and September 2031 and June and January 2034.

The Ministry of Finance states that the transaction was settled in kwanzas (46 billion), dollars (14.8 million) and in public debt instruments, considered liquid, according to the definition of the National Bank of Angola, at a nominal value of 78.9 billion kwanzas (equivalent to 92.4 million dollars).

The note highlights that the transaction involved the participation of banking financial institutions, securities distribution companies and securities brokerage firms.


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