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Vera Daves announces that the country has 238 billion kwanzas available this year to pay internal debt

This year, the government has 238 billion kwanzas available to pay internal debts, giving priority to small and medium-sized companies and older debt, the Finance Minister announced.

: Facebook Ministério das Finanças de Angola
Facebook Ministério das Finanças de Angola  

Vera Daves, who spoke this Tuesday during the 3rd edition of the Angola Economic Outlook, organized by the magazine Economia e Mercado, said that "the payment of arrears" depends on the certification of the debt and that the State will start by paying more old.

The size of the companies was added to this criterion: "We are focused on prioritizing small and medium-sized companies", highlighted the person responsible for Finance.

The availability of funds will depend on the mobilization of financial resources and the "competition of the payment of these arrears with the current account", that is, payments will be made if there is "financial slack", giving priority to smaller companies.

Vera Daves said that the process has already started and that companies are being asked for the necessary supporting documents to close agreements and begin payments.

In addition to releasing liquidity to pay State suppliers, the minister also listed other measures for the fiscal sector aimed at the economy and companies, including the provision of a financial package of 447.26 billion kwanzas to stimulate economic growth.

Of these, up to 147.26 billion kwanzas aim to increase the financial capacity of public financing vehicles for the economy and 330 billion kwanzas for the issuance of the sovereign guarantee with the aim of stimulating growth through the promotion of private business initiatives.

In 2022, the Government made payments to settle outstanding debts to suppliers of goods and services for a total value of 361 billion kwanzas according to the latest report from the Ministry of Finance, consulted by Lusa.

The amount was paid through the preparation of 370 regularization agreements signed between MINFIN and creditor companies, with debt settlement being made after certification and in four payment methods: cash, Treasury Bonds, compensation (tax and others) and tax credit.


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