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Twenty-five portuguese companies participate this year in the Luanda International Fair

Twenty-five portuguese companies, of which 14 collectively, through the Business Association of Portugal (AEP), participate in the Luanda International Fair (FILDA), the largest fair in Angola of its kind, which takes place between 12 and 16 July.


The portuguese delegation organized by AEP, which aims to support companies in their process of diversifying markets and increasing national exports, is made up of 12 exhibiting companies and two extra companies, from the BOW - Business on the Way project, according to a press release from the business association.

They operate in several areas, from the food industry, construction, mining, engineering and information technology, among others.

Cited in the note, Luís Miguel Ribeiro, president of AEP, emphasizes that the Portuguese participation is "an opportunity to consolidate the presence established in this market and strengthen commercial relations between both countries".

FILDA will have 630 exhibitors, direct and indirect, from 15 countries: Angola (host country), Portugal, Germany, South Africa, Namibia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Japan, China, United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, Democratic Republic Congo, Poland, Turkey and the United States of America.

According to the most recent data from the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal (AICEP), Angola was the ninth customer of Portuguese exports of goods in 2020, with a share of 1.6 percent in the total, occupying the 25th position at the level of imports (0.6 percent).

The balance of trade in goods was favorable to Portugal in 2021, with a surplus of 872 million euros.

There are 5100 companies exporting to Angola, with machinery and equipment, chemical and agricultural products, food products and base metals standing out among the exported products.

More than 1200 companies are present in the Angolan market.

The 37th edition of FILDA will take place in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) pavilion, under the motto "Disruptive technologies as support for the development of the economy".


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