The Massangano Fortress is located in the village and commune of Massangano, in the province of Kwanza Norte.
The original name of this area is Forte de Nossa Senhora da Vitória de Massangano, but it is better known as Forte de Massangano or Fortaleza de Massangano.
Before the fortress was built, that place was the setting of the Battle of Massangano, where the Portuguese defeated King Kiluange of Ngola in 1580.
Two years later, the Portuguese, led by Captain Paulo Dias de Novais, were attacked by the Ngola who were trying to conquer that area. It was for this reason that the Portuguese captain decided to have the fortress built.
The Massangano Fortress was built in 1583, on the banks of the Kwanza River, representing the Portuguese military presence in Angola.
The fortress is now the responsibility of the State and is assigned to the Ministry of Culture.