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Luanda: weekend marked by seven dead and 17 injured in road accidents

A total of 20 accidents resulted in the death of seven people and left 17 injured over the weekend in the province of Luanda, the police said, in an assessment of the past 72 hours.


In a statement, the Luanda Provincial Command of the National Police said that the accidents also resulted in material damage estimated at more than nine million kwanzas.

Also within the scope of regularization and inspection of motor traffic, 41 vehicles were seized, 49 motorized and 285 fines were imposed for various violations of the highway code.

The police also seized 11 firearms and arrested 187 people suspected of committing various crimes, 106 of which resulted from ten micro operations carried out in the municipalities of Luanda, Cazenga, Talatona, Kilamba Kiaxi and Viana.

Interior Minister Eugénio Laborinho said on Friday that there was a reduction in the number of crimes, stressing, however, that it is imperative to continue to follow up on the "close fight against crime, especially organized and violent crime".

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