Ver Angola


Sanitary fence prolonged in Luanda until 9 August and extended to Cuanza Norte

The sanitary fence in Luanda will extend until 9 August, also extending to Cazengo, municipality of Cuanza Norte, as of Thursday and for the same period, it was announced.


The announcement was made this Tuesday by the Minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic, Adão de Almeida

Luanda is the focus of the covid-19 epidemic in the country, with Cuanza Norte being another province where there is a record of infections.

According to Adão Almeida, the measure is contained in a presidential decree that will take effect from 00:00 on 9 July and that includes differentiated rules from now on to contain the spread of the disease, in the case of territorial circumscriptions under sanitary fence or not .

Angola has a total of 386 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, of which 21 died and 117 recovered.


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