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Real Estate

Angola has registered 18,000 properties in the last three months despite poor adherence

Angola has registered more than 18,000 properties, in the last three months, within the scope of the Land Registry Massification Program, according to the Government, which identified as "challenges" the low participation of citizens and the high value of the transfer tax.


According to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Francisco Queiroz, until last May, 18,306 land registration acts were carried out.

"There are several challenges to consider in this massification program, such as, for example, the weak adhesion of citizens and the high value of the transfer tax," said the government official.

Francisco Queiroz considered a "very expressive" number for the stage in which the process is currently, noting that the constraints in this area are related to the lack of institutional collaboration.
"What has been referred to as conservative conservatism, that is, work is still being done in mental terms in conventional methods and some resistance to innovation and also to full compliance with the law and the practical sense", said the minister.

The Minister of Justice and Human Rights stressed that the mass registration of all confiscated buildings is expected to take place next.

"We are talking about the buildings confiscated since independence, the work is being done from the collection of all the Diários da República on confiscations made so far," he indicated.

In March this year, the Government launched the Land Registry Massification Program, which aims to register around 800 thousand properties by 2022 and approximately 2.9 million properties by 2025.

In the first phase, the program prioritizes properties in new urban centers, followed by confiscated and nationalized buildings, as well as buildings that over the years have been built by private individuals, without their legal status regularized.

To increase tax revenues, through the payment of the real estate transfer tax (Tax on Property Transfer) and the Urban Property Tax, to contribute to the expansion of credits granted by banking and non-banking financial institutions to the acquisition of real estate, using real estate as guarantees to achieve this purpose, as well as contributing to the improvement of the business environment, diversifying the national economy through the evolution of the real estate market are some of the objectives of the program.

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