Ver Angola


Angola hopes that the CPLP presidency will be of continuity and with an "economic pillar"

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António, underlined that he hopes that the Angolan presidency of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), starting next month, will be of continuity, foreseeing the emphasis on the "economic pillar".


"We think that the presidency is never a blank slate. When you assume a presidency it is to continue what the organization has already done, but of course each presidency also brings its contribution so that our organization continues with the same vitality that they already have it," said the head of the Angolan diplomacy to the media after a meeting with the executive secretary of the CPLP, at the headquarters, in Lisbon.

"We need to talk about the economic factor. And, therefore, the Angolan presidency would very much like to see the economic pillar occupying a prominent place among us. We can circulate, but if we do not consolidate our economies, we strengthen our cooperation, our own circulation will be affected", pointed out Téte António.

The Foreign Minister considers that "this economic pillar must find a place" within the organization.

Angola will officially assume the presidency of the CPLP during the summit of heads of state and government scheduled for 16 and 17 July in Luanda, succeeding Cape Verde, which had its mandate extended for another year due to the covid-19 pandemic .

Téte António also highlighted the importance of economic cooperation between Member States in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, stressing that it "cannot stop life".

"We are in agreement that the pandemic cannot stop life, so this means that we need to adapt our economies, our methods to this phase of the pandemic (...) and also see how we are going to get out of this pandemic and how are we going to recover the economies that were so affected, hence the need to join our efforts, because no one will be able to do this alone", he stressed.

Regarding mobility, Téte António considered that there is a philosophy of giving continuity to this aspect. "It continues and must continue", he stressed, saying that the CPLP "is not a matter for diplomats and politicians", but rather "a matter for peoples ".

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