Ver Angola


Nadanovo, the 'made in Angola' clothing brand that wants to alert to sustainable consumption

In order to make people think more consciously about their consumerism, Cássia Sephora created the Nadanovo clothing brand, which is not only reminiscent of the culture of our country, through colors and patterns, but also environmentally friendly. As the name implies, nothing here is 'new' as all the pieces are made from things that already existed, making this brand 100 per cent sustainable.


The brand's creator believes that sustainable garments are the future: "Repairing is the act of rebuilding and reconnecting with clothes that once had no value, can be the beginning of a path to repair and review not only the fashion industry, but also the transformation in relation to the consumption of future generations".

"Conscious and sustainable fashion questions the way our clothes are made, worn and reused, I believe that nowadays all jobs should have a purpose", he says in an interview to Sapo.

Consumerism must be reduced and, in Cassia's eyes, no clothes should be considered 'garbage' when it is no longer a trend or not in fashion. She reveals that she is incapable of throwing away a piece of clothing, claiming that any piece of fabric can be transformed.

For Cássia Sephora it is enough to personalize the piece of clothing, that it gets "a new life".

The store opened about three months ago and the garments are inspired by "everyday life with a vintage and retro touch, proposing garments coherent with an individual and conscious lifestyle".

As it is still a very recent brand in the national market, the businesswoman says that it is not yet possible to live off the store's profits alone, however, the aim is for the brand to be recognised and mark Angolans for its irreverent and innovative side.

"We want the brand to be recognized for its firm and differentiated structure, an innovative brand that has really made some difference in the Angolan mentality because we don't just want to market clothes, we want people to realize that when you make the decision to consume products that have a good impact on the environment will be designing the future of future generations," she said.


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