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Police promise to correct "some defect" in legalization and preparation of criminal cases

The commander general of the National Police recognized this Thursday "some deficiency" in the legalization and preparation of criminal cases and advocated greater interaction with the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to "correct some situations".


Paulo de Almeida, who was speaking this Thursday on the sidelines of a meeting with the prosecutors at the Ministry of the Interior's central executive services, said the meeting served to "strengthen relations" for a better fight against crime and to "correct some situations".

"Sometimes it's the way we legalise, sometimes our actions, when we act sometimes we get that feeling that we are doing some kind of incorrect, illegal work", he said, in statements to Lusa.

The police commissioner general, who took on "some shortcomings from the point of view of the preparation of cases" by the force he heads, considered that the meeting of interaction and institutional cooperation "will make it possible to overcome the shortcomings".

"Today we all have to be aligned so that we can with more property discourage criminal action", he noted.

He also said that the country's criminal situation "is stable", noting, however, that "there are always oscillations".

He added that "violent crimes continue, such as homicides and robberies" and are those that the police must "confront in order to reduce".

The need to assign a prosecutor to Interpol's regional offices and the empowerment of magistrates on forensic matters were some of the topics discussed at the meeting, which took place in the capital.

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