Ver Angola


Government wants to train 400 thousand young people by 2027

The statement was made by the Secretary of State for Labor and Social Security, Pedro Filipe, when speaking at the 11th thematic session of the ‘Comunicar por Angola’ program, which took place on Tuesday. On the occasion, the official said that the Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security wants to train 400,000 young people, nationally, in various areas, by 2027.


According to the person in charge, cited by Jornal de Angola, on average, 112 young people will be trained each year in the country.

Regarding the centers, he added that, at the moment, the country has three Integrated Technological Training Centers (two located in the capital and one in the province of Huambo). However, he said that the Government plans to build a center of this kind in Cabinda soon.

"The Executive's forecast is to build, in the coming months, the Integrated Technological Training Center (CINFOTEC) in Cabinda and restructure, by 2027, 82 arts and crafts pavilions", he stated, quoted by Jornal de Angola.

Furthermore, Pedro Filipe also made it known that a program aimed at restructuring professional qualifications is also underway, with more focus on professional training centers, adding that the objective is to accredit, by 2027, 240 training institutions.

Among other aspects, he also announced that the National Employment Fund will come into operation next month, with 27 billion kwanzas being made available for this purpose, the value of which is aimed at promoting self-employment annually.

The official also said that of these 27 billion kwanzas, nine billion will be used to finance 130 thousand professional education internships, with a view to encouraging the entry of more young people into the job market, having also added that "40 percent of internships are reserved for women".

He also clarified that some companies have agreements to welcome young people free of charge. "The allowances for these interns will be paid by the Angolan State. The companies involved in the project will be entitled to some tax benefits, such as tax reductions. The same will happen with the institutions that will employ special classes, such as young women with ages between 18 and 35 years old, or people with disabilities", he said, quoted by Jornal de Angola.

He also recalled the approval, in 2020, of the professional internship regulations, stating that "through this instrument, more than 70 percent of young people included in professional internships were hired by companies".

On the occasion, he also spoke about the fact that the Government wants to pay for professional training, planning to include a learning subsidy in professional training centers.


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