Ver Angola


Government wants to pay for professional training and will pay learning subsidies

Professional training will now be paid. The information was provided by Pedro Filipe, Secretary of State for Labor and Social Security, who spoke as part of the 11th thematic session of the 'Comunicar Angola' program, held this Tuesday.

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The Secretary of State, cited by Angop, said that the Government plans to introduce, soon, the learning subsidy in professional training centers, adding that the subsidy will correspond to 60 percent of the national minimum wage and that its Application will be made via the National Institute of Employment and Professional Training (INEFOP).

Pedro Filipe added that the purpose is to reach the largest number of young people, especially in rural areas, whose dropouts generally appear due to the migration of trainees to other areas.

Thus, he explained that these trainees are usually pastors and generally move in search of better conditions. "Normally, these trainees are shepherds and tend to move to look for areas with bigger and better pasture for their cattle," he said.

According to him, the introduction of this subsidy concerns a standard that is applied almost worldwide, and recently, at the level of the International Labor Organization, a recommendation was adopted that directs countries to discover methods to retain staff, writes Angop.

On the occasion, he also mentioned that the Government will finance professional internships. According to him, the Government has planned, by the end of 2027, to finance more than 130 thousand professional education internships.

Nuno Caldas, Secretary of State for Social Communication, also spoke at the session. According to the official, these programs have contributed significantly to reducing youth unemployment, as well as helping to promote self-employment, writes Angop.


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