Ver Angola


Twenty foreigners acquire Angolan nationality

Twenty foreign citizens, from various countries, acquired Angolan nationality, through the naturalization process, in a ceremony that took place this Wednesday, in the meeting room of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, under the guidance of Marcy Lopes , Minister of Justice and Human Rights.

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Speaking at the ceremony, the holder of the Justice and Human Rights portfolio, on behalf of the Commission for the Assessment of Nationality Attribution Processes, wished the new national citizens "a good integration into the great Angolan family".

Quoted in a statement from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, to which VerAngola had access, the minister also left them with advice, in the sense of "being good citizens, avoiding conflicts with justice and using the good habits, customs and experiences brought" of their countries with a view to "helping in the development of Angola", which now also becomes their country.

From this moment on, new citizens will have rights as Angolan citizens, including the right to vote, said Marcy Lopes, having highlighted the "importance of exercising this right responsibly, actively participating in civic life and contributing to the strengthening of democracy in the country".

According to the minister, "as Angolan citizens they will have access to benefits and duties provided for in the Constitution", having encouraged them to know and respect the Constitution, as well as "Angolan laws to promote a fairer and more prosperous society".

The holder of the Justice and Human Rights portfolio reaffirmed the Government's commitment to providing support for the "integration of new citizens", ensuring that they "feel welcomed and valued in the new homeland", having also taken the opportunity to highlight the "confidence that cultural diversity and new perspectives brought by recently naturalized citizens will further enrich the Angolan nation".

Without specifying deadlines, the minister said that more than a hundred requests for the acquisition of nationality by natural origin have reached the ministry under his supervision, adding that it is up to the commission to evaluate the long list of these requests. "We must carry out a thorough analysis of the quality, suitability and background during each applicant's stay, taking into account that they have not committed crimes or adopted conduct that harms the country", he explained, quoted by Angop.

At the ceremony, the newly naturalized people took the customary oath that gives them the right to become Angolan citizens. Furthermore, according to Angop, they also sang the National Anthem, as well as swearing an oath of loyalty and respect for the Constitution and of obeying and fulfilling the established obligations and duties.

According to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, "under the terms of Law 2/16 April, Nationality Law, Angolan nationality can only be acquired through adoption, marriage or naturalization".

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