Ver Angola


Ministry of Health authorizes additional quota to admit 5511 professionals in the sector

An additional quota aimed at admitting more than 5500 professionals within the framework of the last public competition in the sector, which took place in 2022, and who at that time ended up not being admitted due to the lack of vacancies, was recently approved by the Ministry of Health.

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According to a statement from the National Directorate of Human Resources, to which VerAngola had access, this admission of new staff aims to respond to the needs of recently opened hospital units and others that will be opened later this year.

These are the general hospitals in Bengo and Viana and the municipal hospitals in Luau/Moxico and Ecunha/Huambo (already opened), as well as the general hospitals in Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul and Cunene which are scheduled to open this year.

"The National Directorate of Human Resources informs candidates, who due to limited vacancies were not admitted to the 2022 Public Competition, that an additional quota was authorized for the admission of 5511 professionals, to meet the needs of the health units opened, namely general hospitals in Bengo, Viana; municipal hospitals in Luau/Moxico and Ecunha/Huambo, as well as the general hospitals in Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul and Cunene to be opened in 2024", the note reads.

Therefore, candidates will be able to find the list published on the ministry's portal (, and can submit the necessary documents from this Monday, within a period that extends until May 24th.

The documents requested include, for example, a copy of the Identity Card, original and copy of the educational qualifications certificate, etc.

According to the statement, the documents can be delivered, in Luanda, to the Health Technicians Training School (formerly IMS of Luanda), while in Bengo the delivery will take place at the Reverendo Guilherme Pereira English General Hospital. In the provinces of Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul, Cunene, Huambo and Moxico these can be delivered to the provincial health offices.

Furthermore, according to the note from the National Directorate of Human Resources, "68 specialist doctors, 202 general doctors and 26 social workers will also be hired, for a period of two years, to meet the needs of the health units".

"Interested parties must present the documents at the mentioned locations and period and will be subjected to a practical exam and interview to be announced in due course", the note also reads.

For more information, consult the portal.

According to Leonardo European Inocêncio, Secretary of State for Health for the Hospital area, between 2018 and 2022, a total of 41,093 professionals were admitted and promoted in the Health sector, nationally.

The secretary, who was speaking within the scope of the central event of Nurses' Day (marked last Sunday), said that these were the biggest public admission and promotion competitions carried out by the ministry, reflecting an increase of 40.5 percent of the total of the workforce in the sector, writes Angop.


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