Ver Angola


Gemcorp will create a platform for investments in the energy sector

Gemcorp will create a platform for investments in the energy sector in the country, following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the company and the Ministry of Energy and Water.

: Facebook Ministério da Energia e Águas
Facebook Ministério da Energia e Águas  

According to a statement sent to VerAngola, the signing of the document took place this Thursday, in an event that was witnessed by the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, and the Secretary of State for Energy, Arlindo Carlos.

The aforementioned memorandum, which aims to create in the country "a platform that will ensure the implementation of investments in the energy sector", was signed by the president of the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Transmission Network (RNT), Rui Gourgel, and by the CEO of Gemcorp Angola, Marcus Weyll.

"This memorandum contemplates the implementation of modernization projects for the Capanda Hydroelectric Plant and the construction of electrical power transmission lines to the border with Namibia, which will make it possible to position Angola as an energy exporter to other countries in Southern Africa", reads the note.

At the time, Marcus Weyll considered this act to be a milestone that "reinforces the company's commitment" to "the economic and social development" of the country.

"Contributing to the diversification of the economy and so that water and energy are at the service of the community and the development of the country as a whole, is one of the purposes of Gemcorp Angola. The memorandum of understanding that we have now signed is an important milestone for the materialization of our commitment. And it is also an unequivocal sign of the Government's progress in this sector, in strengthening installed capacity and creating opportunities for new and relevant investments", said the person in charge, quoted in the note.


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