Ver Angola


Central bank decides monetary policy to control inflation, within a maximum of seven years

The Monetary Policy Committee of the National Bank of Angola ends its two-day meeting this Friday, with responses expected to halt the rise in prices, after inflation reached seven-year highs in April.


The Monetary Policy Committee (CPM) of the BNA, the body responsible for formulating monetary and exchange rate policy, holds its 117th Ordinary Meeting in Luanda, which began on Thursday and ends this Friday.

Those responsible will be able to define a new course for monetary policy, giving signs to stop the out of control inflation, which reached 28.02 percent in April and a year-on-year variation of almost 40 percent in Luanda, where almost a third of the population is concentrated. population of the country.

At the last meeting, which took place in March, the CPM opted for increases in the policy rate (BNA) from 18 to 19 percent, the interest rate on the Permanent Liquidity Lending Facility from 18.5 to 19.5 percent, and the interest rate on the Permanent Liquidity Absorption Facility from 17.5 percent to 18.5 percent, maintaining the mandatory reserves coefficient, in national currency, at 20 percent.

These decisions were "motivated by the persistence of inflationary pressures in the economy and with a view to contributing to the control of liquidity in circulation", according to the BNA.

You can follow the CPM meeting live via the BNA YouTube channel.


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