Ver Angola


Inflation reaches seven-year high and exceeds 28 percent in April

Inflation increased again in April, for the 12th consecutive month, registering a year-on-year variation of 28.02 percent, a maximum of almost seven years, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE).


The Quick Information Sheet (FIR) of the National Consumer Price Index (IPCN) indicates that this variation represents an increase of 17.61 percentage points in relation to that observed in the same period of the previous year.

In March, inflation had reached 26.09 percent year-on-year.

It is necessary to go back to June 2017, when inflation stood at 30.51 percent to find a higher value, according to statistics from the Trading Economics website consulted by Lusa.

In monthly terms, the IPCN registered a variation of 2.61 percent between March and April 2024 (2.54 percent in March), the highest increase since September 2018, with the provinces of Luanda, Huíla and Cabinda, those that registered the greatest variation (3.26, 2.48 and 2.34 percent, respectively).

The “Health” class was the one that registered the biggest price increase, with a variation of 3.25 percent, with increases also being highlighted in the classes “Food and non-alcoholic beverages” (3.13 percent), “Clothing and footwear” (2.84 percent) and “Hotels, cafes and restaurants” (2.59 percent).

In the capital Luanda, prices shot up 38.87 percent, an increase of 28.77 percentage points compared to the same period last year.


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