Ver Angola


Nine Angolan artists exhibit in Portugal to break prejudices regarding African culture

African contemporary art gained yet another residency in Europe, with the opening of the Afrikanizm Art Platform's first exhibition in Portugal, entitled 'Afro-Renaissance'. The exhibition, on view at Quinta da Fidalga, Setúbal, until June 2nd, presents 60 works by Angolan artists Bolondo, Don Ruelas, Joselyna Pemba, Isabel Teixeira de Sousa, Emília Morais, Lino Damião, Thó Simões, Paulo Amaral and Rómulo Santa Rita.


This exhibition, which aims to break prejudices and taboos regarding African culture, is "a celebration of the multiplicity and dynamism of contemporary African art" and brings together, in the same space, artists who navigate various styles, from Portrait and Expressionism to Abstract , Street Art, Fauvism, Surrealism and Pop Art, says a statement sent to VerAngola by the Afrikanizm platform.

The term ‘Afro-Renaissance’ was created to refer to a cultural, intellectual and artistic renaissance in Afro-descendant communities around the world. This movement seeks to revitalize and celebrate African cultural heritage by promoting awareness and appreciation of the history, identity and contributions of African and Afro-descendant peoples to global society.

“It is an exhibition that celebrates Angolan culture and authors, with the aim of showing the world, and in particular Portugal, what contemporary African art is in its various styles, focusing in this case on Angola. The inauguration was a great success, which makes us very proud. We increasingly want to build this bridge to promote and give new opportunities to our artists”, says the founder and CEO of Afrikanizm Art, João Boavida.

The inauguration of the exhibition took place on the 4th of May, with the presence of Paulo Silva, president of the Municipality of Seixal, Vítor Carvalho, representative of the Embassy of Angola, and Riad Hamrouchi, Vice-Consul of France, with more than 400 visits, namely from various associations linked to the PALOP - Portuguese-Speaking African Countries.

“We are very expectant and eager that, until the end of the exhibition, we continue to welcome curious people, art lovers, artists and schools, and we are equally open to initiatives that encourage the exercise of creativity and African art, outside the stereotypes related to the art of this continent”, highlights João Boavida.

Afrikanizm Art was founded in August 2021 and is the first Angolan startup with social impact, dedicated to the online promotion and sale of contemporary African art that seeks to respond to a multitude of needs within the artistic community, from the promotion of African artists and from his work to giving art lovers access to authentic and original African art. The project, founded by João Boavida and Laura Leal, "believes in the power of art to transcend borders, promote cultural exchange and enrich our lives with beauty, meaning and cultural depth", say the founders.

Today, Afrikanizm has more than 100 African artists and around 16 countries represented. The platform relies on online payments, ensuring that these artists are seen, purchased and remunerated in a fair and equal way, as in any art gallery in countries with a greater tradition in artistic transactions.


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