Ver Angola


First phase of national exams starts this Wednesday

The Ministry of Education will carry out, as of this Wednesday, the first period of application of the national exams in their first generalization phase, called the “Diagnostic Study”.


These exams will run until Friday, between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, in previously chosen schools in the capital, informs the ministry, in a statement to which VerAngola had access.

"The Ministry of Education holds, on the 10th, 11th and 12th of May, between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, in previously selected schools, in Luanda, the first period of application of the national exams in their 1st generalization phase (called Diagnostic Study)", reads the statement.

The aforementioned national exams, which "are aimed at students from public, public-private and private institutions of primary and secondary general education", are intended to assess the level of learning of students and "verify the real state of the educational system, through the evaluation carried out by an external entity".

The ministry also informs that, at this stage, the disciplines of Natural Sciences of the 6th grade and Physics of the 9th and 12th grades will be evaluated.

The exams, to be carried out in exam centres, will last 90 minutes for the 6th grade and 120 minutes for the 9th and 12th grades.


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