Ver Angola


Government gives 'green light' to the National Road Safety and Prevention Plan

The Council of Ministers approved the National Road Safety and Prevention Plan 2023-2027.


According to a note from the Presidency of the Republic, to which VerAngola had access, the document was approved this Monday, at the second extraordinary session of the council, which took place in the meeting room of the Presidential Palace and was chaired by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço.

The document now approved "contains the strategic and operational objectives, as well as the actions to be taken within the scope of the factors identified as potentiating road accidents in the country", adds the note.

Still in the same session, the Council of Ministers "considered, for submission to the National Assembly, a bill that authorizes the President of the Republic, as holder of the Executive Power, to legislate on the Legal Regime of Transit Activity, with a view to adjusting the legal framework for carrying out this activity", reads the statement.


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