Ver Angola


Angola will have the first neuronavigator and surgical microscope for the neurosurgery service

The country will now have a neuronavigator and a surgical microscope for the neurosurgery service. According to Carlos Alberto Masseca, general director of the Cardio-Pulmonary Hospital Complex for Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento, the equipment will be fully operational on Wednesday.


This equipment will be implemented at the Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento Hospital Complex for Cardio-Pulmonary Diseases, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health, which VerAngola had access to.

"The Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento Hospital Complex for Cardio-Pulmonary Diseases (CHDCP) will have a Neuronavigation and Surgical Microscope system for the neurosurgery service in the next few days", reads the note.

According to the statement, the revelation was made, this Monday, by Carlos Alberto Masseca, who also informed that next Wednesday "the equipment will be working at full capacity and the gains will be enormous".

The official also considered that with the assembly of this equipment, "which by the way is the first device in Angola and the second in Africa", Angola has "installed conditions to respond to neurosurgery problems, which will allow patients to be treated here in the country and substantially reduce transfers abroad".

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