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Mbanza Congo authorities concerned about obstruction of roads by wake

A new phenomenon, of occupying roads to hold funerals, is worrying the authorities of the secular city of Mbanza Congo, whose historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2017, complained the local administration.

: Joost De Raeymaeker
Joost De Raeymaeker  

According to the administrator of Mbanza Congo, capital of Zaire province, Manuel Gomes, citizens have been blocking streets in the city and in the periphery to hold funerals, occupying two or three days of streets for reasons of death, preventing the circulation of people and automobiles. .

"It almost became fashionable to make funerals on the streets of the city. This violates the good habits and customs of the Kongo people," said Manuel Gomes, quoted by Angop.

The official, who disapproved of the behavior, promising to take severe measures to discourage this practice, said that he will work in collaboration with the district administrators, put more inspectors from the municipal administration on the street, to end this phenomenon "that obscures the image of the city. ".

Manuel Gomes stressed that during the wake, tires are also burned on the public road, which is contributing to prematurely degrade the city's roads, distinguished by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

"The inspection area is already activated and the offenders will be fined", guaranteed the responsible.

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