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Covid-19: Africa with 322 more deaths and 7775 more infected in the last 24 hours

Africa has recorded 322 more covid-19-associated deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 128,463 deaths since the pandemic began, and 7775 infected, according to the latest official data.


According to the African Union Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the total number of cases in the region is 4,759,772 and the number of recovered cases is 4,303,326, up 6043 in the last 24 hours.

Southern Africa remains the most affected region, with 2,041,133 cases and 63,912 deaths associated with covid-19 disease. Within this region, South Africa alone, the country hardest hit by covid-19 on the continent, accounts for 1,635,465 cases and 55,802 deaths.

North Africa is the second hardest hit area, with 1,436,260 infected and 43,242 deaths.

East Africa accounts for 640,718 infections and 12,425 deaths, while in West Africa the number of infections is 470,407 and the death toll is 6196.

In Central Africa, the cases of infection are 171,254 and there are 2688 recorded deaths.

Egypt, which is the second African country with the most deaths after South Africa, records 14,721 deaths and 253,835 infected, followed by Tunisia with 12,236 deaths and 335,345 cases, and Morocco, which counts 517,023 cases of infection and 9122 deaths.

Among the most affected countries are also Ethiopia, with 4076 deaths and 269,194 infections, and Algeria, with 3549 deaths and 126,860 infected.

Regarding the Portuguese-speaking countries, Mozambique records 831 deaths and 70,590 cases, followed by Angola (725 deaths and 32,441 cases of infection), Cape Verde (254 deaths and 29,334 cases), Equatorial Guinea (113 deaths and 8436 cases), Guinea-Bissau (68 deaths and 3751 cases) and Sao Tome and Principe (35 deaths and 2335 cases).

The first case of covid-19 in Africa appeared in Egypt on February 14, 2020, and Nigeria was the first sub-Saharan African country to record cases of infection on February 28.

The covid-19 pandemic has caused at least 3,456,282 deaths worldwide, resulting from more than 166.2 million cases of infection, according to an assessment by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

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