Ver Angola


Covid-19: Angola registers more than a dozen deaths in a single day

Angola has registered 389 new cases and 11 deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours, but 445 people have recovered from the disease, the country's health authorities said Wednesday.


According to the Secretary of State for Public Health, Franco Mufinda, the numbers have been rising steeply, being "a warning to review the behavior in terms of compliance with the prevention measures for covid-19".

The new infections reported are mostly from Luanda, with 347 cases, followed by Huambo (16), Huíla (9), Cunene (7), Cabinda (5), Zaire (4) and Bengo (1), with ages between 1 and 90 years, being 208 males and 181 females.

As for the deaths, they are all Angolan citizens, seven men and four women, distributed by the provinces of Luanda (7), Huambo (3) and Kwanza Sul (1).

The recovered patients, between 4 months and 9 years, were reported in the provinces of Luanda (414), Huíla (16), Benguela (7), Malanje (4) and Uíge (4).

Franco Mufinda recalled that there is community circulation of the new English and South African variants, especially in Luanda, with a little over 2000 cases of the English variant.

The country has a total of 31.438 positive cases, 696 deaths, 26.458 recovered and 4284 active, of which 20 in critical condition, 44 serious, 167 moderate, 18 light and 4035 asymptomatic.

In the treatment units, 249 patients are hospitalized, 43 people remain in institutional quarantine and 2179 contacts are under epidemiological surveillance.

In the period under review, 3236 samples were laboratory processed, showing a daily rate of positivity of 12 percent, which for the governor is a warning sign.

"When the positivity rate exceeds 10 percent, there is a warning of the high degree of transmissibility of the agent, in this case SARS-CoV-2. It is necessary to review our conduct and make use of preventive and collective measures, which are necessary to reverse the situation," he stressed.

The provisional vaccination data indicate that 16,503 doses were administered, 3792 of the first dose and 12,711 of the second.

Since March 2 of this year, date of the beginning of the vaccination campaign in Angola, to date, 734,113 doses have been vaccinated, being 623,464 of the first dose and 110,649 of the second dose.

The vaccination plan in Angola is being carried out with AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Sinhopharm vaccines.

At the entry and exit points in Luanda, 275 people were tested, of which 238 were males and 37 females, with no positive cases.

As for the mandatory post-disembarkation testing at the 4 de Fevereiro international airport, from January 16 to date, 43,684 travelers have been tested, 11,560 being female and 32,124 male, and from this number 102 positive passengers have been detected, with some being institutionally followed up.

The covid-19 pandemic has caused at least 3,406,803 deaths worldwide, resulting from more than 164.1 million cases of infection, according to an assessment made by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.


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