The initiative, which was launched last Friday, aims to make available to its users a playlist of the best songs and artists from across the African continent. There will be 15 playlists available.
The list that will compile the best of Africa will be available for a month and will include the names of Franco, Tubarões, André Mingas, Carlitos Vieira Dias, among others.
According to Jornal de Angola, Apple's application decided to go ahead with "Africa Month" after announcing that it would expand to another 52 two countries around the world, thus increasing the number of countries in which it is present in Africa to 33.
As for being invited, the musician Paulo Flores, in a statement quoted by the same newspaper, acknowledged that "these songs are part" of his DNA. "These songs were and are part of my childhood, adolescence and accompany me until today. These songs are an important part of the soundtrack of my life," he said.
The composer and singer is one of the greatest references in Angolan music and is also known for defending semba.
André Mingas was one of the artists of the golden generation of national music, being known for the song "Mufete".
Carlitos Vieira Dias debuted with the group "Angolanos do Ritmo" and later became part of the group "Os Gingas".