The symbolic delivery of this donation, the result of a partnership between UNFPA and the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women (Masfamu), took place this Thursday in Luanda, in the government of the province of Luanda, which received 10,000 of the 25,000 donated kits.
The Minister of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, Faustina de Almeida Alves, said that the kits, composed of a bar of blue soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, a bottle of gel alcohol, a bottle of liquid soap for hand washing, a pack of intimate dressings and a pack of cleaning wipes, will be distributed throughout the country.
However, according to the minister, the capital, Luanda, due to its specificities, will benefit from 10 thousand kits.
"They are aimed at women bullying, those mothers with many difficulties who are unable to obtain this hygiene kit to cope with their situations of social collection," he said.
According to the minister, this donation complements the action of delivering basic food baskets to vulnerable families, promoted by the authorities.
In turn, speaking to Lusa, the UNFPA representative in Angola, Michel Kouakou, said that the organization has been working with the ministerial body to support vulnerable people, in particular women.
“In this period of the pandemic, the data say that women suffer much more than men and the minister spoke of cases of gender-based violence, so our job with Masfamu, the Ministry of Interior and Health, is to ensure that in a few years there will be no more cases ”, he explained.
Michel Kouakou stressed that the United Nations Secretary-General's call to put women in the spotlight in a pandemic time is guiding the organization's work, with this donation being one of the examples.
The official stressed that there are many more women in need of this assistance, stressing that the organization also cooperates with other institutions and in other projects, noting that two weeks ago the campaign "Patrulha Stop Covid" was launched with the provincial government of Luanda.
The deputy governor of Luanda for the political and social sector, Dionísio da Fonseca, told Lusa that the priority in the delivery of the kits will be to the provisional reception centers created by the provincial government.
“There are three centers, with a total of 444 people. We also have many vulnerable people at the municipal level and these groups are already identified and will be priority groups for this action ”, he stressed.