Ver Angola


Institute of Industrial Development and Innovation foresees one industry per municipality

Angola may have at least one industry in each municipality. This is said by the general director of the Institute of Industrial Development and Innovation (IDIIA), Filomena Oliveira, who was speaking to the press during the last day of Expo-Indústria.


According to the official, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, through that institute, is working with the Integrated Development Offices of the Provincial Governments in order to identify the 12 most consumed and most produced products in each locality, which will allow for an adjustment in the basic basket of each region, and identify the products needed to be integrated into the Rural Industry Development Program.

"The ideal would be that, at least, in the next two years we managed to have an industry, a municipality", she said, in a statement made available to VerAngola.

Filomena Oliveira also explained that, in terms of industry infrastructure, IDIIA has 22 industrial centers across the country, with around 35,000 hectares being made available by the Executive so that there is land available for this purpose. "We have already built 3 Rural Industrial Poles, one in Tomboco, one in Cacuso and the third in Canjala. And we are going to proceed with the remaining seven that are scheduled", she advanced.

Asked about how she evaluates the current situation of development of industries in Angola, Filomena Oliveira, said that the sector has shown a strong growth at the level of the whole country, highlighting the transforming industries linked to agribusiness, mines, granites and marbles, metalworking and the woods.

She added that the three-year suspension of wood exports showed that it is possible to save the US$89 million spent in the last three years on furniture imports.

The forums held during the fifth Angolan industry fair brought together businessmen and staff from the public sector, academics and other specialists who addressed transversal themes of the industry.

Data from the organization indicate that, over the four days, more than 9,500 people visited the event, which had more than 235 exhibitors and generated more than 600 jobs.


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