Ver Angola


Each head of cattle imported from Chad costs the buyer 150,000 kwanzas

Buyers will have to pay 150,000 kwanzas for each head of cattle from Chad. The price was revealed by the National Livestock Directorate, which said that the total payment for the cattle could be made in instalments.


The entrepreneurs of the Camabatela Plateau, who will receive about one third of the animals to repopulate the fields, will have to pay, initially, 40 percent of the total amount. The remaining 60 per cent will be charged over the next three years - 20 per cent each year.

According to the newspaper Opaís, already for the family sector - which will also receive one third of the total animals - each head will cost 15 thousand kwanzas. However, families that are part of MASFAM and FAZ's work programmes will benefit.

The determination of who will benefit will be made by various technical teams and provincial governments who will travel to the families' areas of residence to analyse the situation.

Angola will receive, in total, 75 thousand head of cattle. The animals are the payment agreed between our country and Chad to pay a debt of 100 million dollars.

The government wants, by 2025, to make the Camabatela Plateau autonomous in terms of cattle breeding and meat production, thus allowing the country to reduce the numbers of meat imports, which currently cost around 350 million dollars per year.


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