Ver Angola


Macron meets with counterpart and launches partnerships in agri-food

The French President, Emmanuel Macron, is meeting this Friday with his Angolan counterpart, João Lourenço, in the second stage of his visit to Africa, where he will also speak with businessmen from both countries about the potential of the agro-industry.


On his visit to Luanda, where he will stay for less than 24 hours, Macron begins by closing the France-Angola Business Forum, before the meeting with João Lourenço, at the Presidential Palace.

The forum aims to be a launching pad for the production partnership in the agricultural sector between France and will be an occasion for a meeting and exchange of experiences between French and Angolan actors in the agricultural and agri-food sector, at a time when Angola intends to invest in diversification economy, outside the oil sector.

The French President will then meet with João Lourenço, with statements to the press planned and will leave Luanda in the middle of the afternoon towards the Republic of Congo.

French investments in Angola total 7.6 billion euros, making France the second largest foreign investor in the African country, after the United States of America, according to official figures.

Investment is mainly associated with the oil sector, as the French multinational Total, which has been present in the country for several years, is also one of the main employers in the private sector.

There are 60 French branches and 45 companies created by French people in Angola, employing a total of 10,000 people in the country.


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