Ver Angola


Announced results of the Public Health Contest. More than 6000 admitted among the 76 thousand with positive

The Ministry of Health released the results of the public tender for 2022, with more than 6000 candidates being admitted among the 76,076 competitors with positive grades.


The guardianship, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, refers that 6098 candidates were selected for the medical, nursing, diagnostic and therapeutic technicians, hospital support, general regime and social worker careers, with the final ranking lists having been published on the portal

"The National Directorate of Human Resources communicates to all candidates and other interested parties that are published on the portal the final ranking lists of the Public Tender 2022, at provincial level, to fill 6098 vacancies, in the Medical (1125), Nursing (2776), Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technicians (1221), Hospital Support (764), General Regime (158) and Social Worker (54) careers", reads the statement.

The ministry also indicates that, after assessing the complaints, the "Jury Commissions registered 76,076 candidates with positive marks", with vacancies being occupied according to the highest grade, number of vacancies and specialties most needed in the sector.

"However, some candidates with positive grades, in the categories of General Physician/Specialty Intern, 3rd Class Nurse, 2nd Class Superior Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technician, Social Worker and Ambulance Driver were mobilized to other provinces, due to insufficient vacancies in the place where they competed", adds the statement.

Candidates admitted must deliver, between 15 and 31 March, the "supporting documents to the provincial health offices", namely a written application on a 25-line sheet, a copy of the Identity Card, original and copy of the academic qualifications certificate and of the declaration of recognition of studies carried out abroad (INAAREES), as well as "professional card (doctors, nurses and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians), bank coordinates (IBAN) printed by the bank" and two passport-type photographs.

The guardianship also warns that the candidates who do not deliver the documents on the stipulated dates "or refuse the provision in the indicated provinces, will be replaced, immediately, by the candidates to follow in the final classification list".

"Candidates who competed to fill the vacancies of the Central Body must follow the guidelines of the Single Recruiting Entity, assigned to the National School of Administration and Public Policies - ENAPP", completes the ministry.


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