Ver Angola




Angola and Mozambique strengthen air relations with signing of memorandum

Angola and Mozambique have taken another significant step in strengthening their relationship in the field of air services, with the signing of a memorandum of understanding that will serve as a basis for implementing the air agreement between...


New Ramiros-Barra do Cuanza route will open soon to facilitate mobility in Luanda

Two public transport operators, namely TCUL and Ango Real, will open a new route that will connect Ramiros to Barra do Cuanza, in a measure that aims to facilitate mobility in the capital.


Cash payments on buses will be replaced by the GiraMais pass from December

From December onwards, the National Integrated Ticketing Company (ENBI) will gradually replace tickets on public buses with the GiraMais pass. In other words, ENBI intends to replace the payment in physical cash for daily bus tickets with the...

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