Ver Angola


ITA wants to turn Angola into a data hub for sub-Saharan Africa

With the strengthening and increase of national coverage, the inauguration of the new Data Center, the expansion of the fiber optic network and the increase in the quality and international coverage of telecommunications services, ITA is now moving towards supporting the transformation of the country into a ' data / traffic hub in Africa.


Internet Technologies Angola (ITA), presented this Wednesday at its Patriota facilities the annual balance of 2019 and the Strategic Plan for 2020.

The company maintained its goals in structural projects and infrastructure investments, which resulted in an increase of about 45 percent in turnover compared to 2018, says a statement sent to VerAngola.

To sustain this growth, and currently being present in 13 provinces with its own network infrastructure, it intends by the end of 2020 to expand its telecommunications network to the 18 provinces, thus covering the entire national territory with fiber and wireless infrastructures. high data transmission capacity.

In addition to the expansion and consolidation of national coverage, in 2020 ITA also defined the internationalization of the offer of telecommunications and information technology services as an objective. The bet, according to the company's general director, Francisco Pinto Leite, is to transform Angola into a data / traffic hub in Africa, thus allowing institutions such as banking, oil and gas, mines, telecommunications operators, retail and government benefit from a network of telecommunications services in Africa, with prominence in the SADC region.

In addition to the expansion plan, the inauguration of the second ITA Data Center allows public and private institutions in Angola to use high-level services, keeping their data stored in physical structures or in the Cloud in the national territory, thus guaranteeing the sovereignty of critical information.

“The new Data Center opened in 2019, the expansion of our national coverage, the implementation of fiber optics, and the entry into the Paratus Group are the fundamental bases for us to guarantee and raise our quality of service to international levels, attract investments and allowing Angola to position itself as an important data / traffic hub in Sub-Saharan Africa, ”added the official.

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