In recent months, there have been cases of qualified homicide and armed robbery in the city of Luanda, by citizens who commit these crimes that systematically violate society's rules of conduct and the norms imposed by the authorities and society.
It is worth mentioning that the increase in crime and homicide cases in Luanda results from the poor execution of public policies and lack of access to education at all levels for young people practicing this social phenomenon.
The high rate of increase in crime in the country's capital and homicides in recent years compared to previous years is observable. On the other hand, it is worth highlighting that the country's economic and financial situation has been one of the factors contributing to a gradual increase in crime and homicides. From this perspective, it is the argument of social scientist Segunda (2021), that crime in Luanda has caused serious problems for society and is linked to the instability in public security in the capital. Confirm Cusson M (2011) addresses that crime occurs in a massive number of cases of crime and homicide in Luanda, which are all social phenomena that occur within a society.
Crime in Luanda is caused by the high rate of poverty, that is, extreme poverty on the part of the population that results in young people entering the world of crime. Lombroso (2013), In his conception of a delinquent man, he will draw our attention to understand the social dismissal of these actions in the social context and society in which we operate. It is argued that the probability of reducing the high rate
of growing crime in the country's capital, it is necessary to look at these factors to seek an emerging and urgent solution to respond to or reduce the level of crime in Luanda.
For Angolan sociologist Paulo, starting from a Sociological perspective requires the State and the Provincial Government of Luanda to find a joint solution. In the previous year, we noticed in the national media and on portals a statement by the then Angolan interior minister, citizen Eugénio César Laborinho, saying that the country has a stable public security system, that is, that public security in the country and in the capital is under control. After the pronouncement of the care mentioned above, we ended up observing in the media, newspapers, news portals in the country, signed by a citizen whose name was Laurindo Vieira, how we can explain and carry out a sociological study based on this phenomenon that occurred in the Angolan capital.
The ongoing study aims to demonstrate how Luanda lacks good public security and that the country's security forces are not prepared to combat and provide an effective and efficient response to crime. It has become a problem for the population and we want to raise society's awareness of denouncing this phenomenon.
According to Fernandes (2012, p.42) he states that crime is a "social phenomenon of a broader dimension, which allows the establishment of standards through the observation of regularities and cuts". Because from Fernandes' perspective, which illustrates the concept of crime, we can understand that crime varies according to each society and social reality, when describing this social phenomenon.
In short, tackling the rise in crime in Luanda requires a comprehensive approach that addresses not just the symptoms, but also the underlying causes. The involvement of the government, local institutions and the community is essential to create a safer and more resilient city.
The opinion of... Fred André