Ver Angola


Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Portuguese counterpart discuss bilateral relations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teté António, met Tuesday by video conference with his Portuguese counterpart, Augusto Santos Silva, to "review" bilateral relations, having discussed cooperation between the European Union, Angola and the African Union, the government announced.


"The ministers took the opportunity to review bilateral relations, address issues of cooperation between the European Union, Angola and the African Union and regional and international issues," reads a publication on the account of the ministry of Augusto Santos Silva, on the social network Twitter.

The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) was also addressed, whose presidency that African country will assume "in a few months.

The presidency of the Lusophone community, currently held by Cabo Verde, should pass to Angola during the Luanda summit, which should have been held in July last year, but was postponed to 2021 due to the covid-19 pandemic.

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