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TAAG opens public tender to national and foreign companies to hire catering services

With the increase of the fleet, taking into account the purchase of planes from the Canadian manufacturer Havilland Aircraft, TAAG is now concerned with the reinforcement of its services. On the 26th, the company launched a public tender to hire additional catering services.


Although the catering services provided by the company LSG Sky Chief fulfill expectations, the new dynamics of the flag carrier forces the reinforcement of this component. According to Carlos Vicente, director of the carrier's Institutional Communication and Press Office, current services have earned a “positive note” but the entry of new players is necessary.

To Jornal de Angola, the official stressed that there will be an award based on the criterion of the “most economically advantageous proposal”.

The deadline for submitting tenders to the tender - which implies the conclusion of a public contract with a 12-month term - ends on March 10. The chosen company will then have a 'sufficient' period of time for the creation of a technical structure administrative that meets the requirements of the contract.

Despite the contest, the company “will keep the services of LGS Sky Chief in full”, Carlos Vicente tells the same newspaper. The official says that the hiring of new service providers is done to “cover the space created by the entry into operation of new aircraft and the opening of routes, in the field of providing meals for onboard service”.

The official said that the first two DASH-8400 aircraft are scheduled to arrive between March and April.

It should be recalled that TAAG is due to open the Luanda-Accra stop (Ghana) at the end of the first half of this year and that the Luanda-Lagos route (Nigeria) has recently started operating.

There is also a competition held by the Angolan Airlines to hire more personnel, namely pilots and commanders. In September last year the company started the procedures for hiring 70 flight attendants.

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