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Angolan swimmer wins silver medal in Portuguese competition

Lia Lima, an Angolan swimmer who wears the 1.º de Agosto jersey, won second place in the portuguese Arena Lisbon Meeting International competition. The swimmer won the silver medal after swimming in the 100 meters moth race in about one minute (1 minute, two seconds and 30 tenths).


In addition to taking second place in the competition, the swimmer was also able to beat her last record, also considered a national record of 1 minute, 3 seconds and 18 tenths.

The athlete - who has been training at the Rio Maior Training Center in Portugal since September 2017 - also shone in two other races: in the 50 meters moth, where she surpassed her personal record in 31 tenths, going from 29 seconds and 47 tenths to 29 seconds and 16 tenths and in the 200 meters moth race that she did in 2 minutes and 19 seconds, her previous record was 2 minutes and 21 seconds.

Also the Angolan Daniel Francisco participated in the competition. The two swimmers are among the possible athletes to represent Angola at this year's Olympic Games.

In addition to this achievement, last year the swimmer won the Golden Globe for Best Women's Sportsman in Angola and in the 2019 African Zonal Tournament in Namibia she won seven gold medals.

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