Ver Angola

Real Estate

Mozambican invests one million and opens first Remax agency in Luanda

Remax, a well-known international real estate player, is packed for Angola. Luanda will be the home of the first agency, which will have a team of 30 employees. The investment is Mozambican and amounts to a million euros.


With branches in over a hundred countries and a strong presence in Portugal, the real estate company thus takes another step in the internationalization process. The address is already known: Rua da Missão, number 43. This is where Remax will be physically located in Luanda.

The Portuguese newspaper Eco says that Remax opens the agency in the Angolan capital this Thursday and aims to invest 1 million euros by a private investor with Mozambican origin, Mahomed Ibrahim.

The official told the online newspaper that “if the market adapts well”, the original 30 employees could reach 2000. With business in the Angolan market for 17 years, this will be the first experience of the investor in the real estate industry: “I always had one 'desire' for real estate. The opportunity arose and, from there, we did not hesitate”, he said.

The journey towards the realization of this project began about two years ago, with a proposal from the investor to the Remax Group. After fulfilling several requirements, there was a green light to proceed with the agency in the Angolan capital.

The employees have been in training for three months, and the manager wants to count on “a greater number of commercials” as the project grows. "The most important thing now is we have good agents, with good training, and from there, we are growing", he told Eco.

After investments in the areas of transport and technology, Mahomed Ibrahim is confident in investments in Angola, saying that the country represents a “business opportunity”, at a time when the climate is “optimistic and hopeful”.

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