Without specifying the quantities, the inspector general of Health, Miguel de Oliveira, stated that the material seized reverts to the State, arguing that only authorized persons or entities should import or export products.
"There are Chinese citizens who intend to re-export masks, caps and gloves to China and, as required by law, that merchandise was seized and it reverts to the State", said the official, at a press conference in Luanda.
According to Miguel de Oliveira, the authorities interact "daily" with the Chinese embassy in Angola to explain the country's legal assumptions about re-exporting material in the light of the pharmaceutical activity regulation.
To import or export any health product, according to the regulation, he explained, "it is necessary that the company or the individual is duly qualified for this purpose, have the proper authorization from the competent bodies".
According to the same source, at least 114 citizens, namely 42 Angolans, 70 Chinese, one Brazilian and one Ivorian, from China, are quarantined in two centers in Luanda for medical control over possible contamination by Covid-19.