Ver Angola


Coronavirus: Government is analysing situation of Angolan students in China

The government, through the Multi-sectoral Commission, and a committee representing parents and guardians are analysing the situation of students living in China. The government ensures that it is strengthening measures to ensure the well-being of Angolans.


Among the measures adopted is the allocation of emergency financial support to supply any kind of products that are needed and the transmission of information on the virus so that citizens can take the most appropriate preventive measures.

In a statement, cited by Angop, the Angolan government's Multi-sectoral Commission said that the aim of this reinforcement was to ensure that the health and well-being of Angolan students in the Asian country remained intact.

The government's response came after the parents of the students in China talked about the scenario their children are in.

According to the document, the government continues to examine all options to reassure the students' families.


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