Ver Angola


You can still pay in cash on public transport. Deadline extended to replace cash with a pass

After all, physical money will not be replaced on public transport. The Empresa Nacional de Bilhética Integrada (ENBI) has decided to extend the coexistence between payment with the Giramais pass and payment with physical money.

: Correio da Kianda
Correio da Kianda  

In a statement, to which VerAngola had access, ENBI justifies the decision with the fact of serving the high number of users who have been going to its service points to collect and charge the pass.

"ENBI - Empresa Nacional de Bilhética Integrada informs users of public transport and the general public in the provinces of Luanda, Huíla, Benguela, Huambo, Malanje and Cabinda that for technical reasons, due to the high number of users who have been flocking, in the last few hours, to ENBl service points to collect and load Giramais passes, we understand that it is necessary to extend the cohabitation between paying the fare on the bus with the Giramais pass and paying with physical money", says the note.

According to the company, the aforementioned measure aims to "ensure a safer transition with the least possible embarrassment for citizens who have joined en masse in the process of modernization and digitalization of public urban passenger transport services".

Between November and December last year, the company registered more than 360,000 subscriptions, and in December 2024, more than 250,000 subscriptions were registered, says the company.

The gradual withdrawal of cash payments on public transport was initially scheduled to begin on January 15, but as mentioned above, the company decided to extend the simultaneous use of both payment methods for technical reasons, in order to ensure "a safer transition with the least possible embarrassment for citizens."

In the statement, ENBI does not specify a date for the definitive end of the use of cash in public transport. However, it recommends "all users who have not yet purchased or loaded their Giramais pass to do so as soon as possible".

It also reiterates "its commitment to the modernization of urban mobility in Angola, promoting an integrated, efficient and innovative ticketing system, aligned with the best international practices", as well as thanking everyone's "understanding and collaboration" while working "to offer a even better service."


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