Ver Angola


Council of Ministers meets and focuses on debate and action plans to eradicate hunger

The Government analyzed strategic documents on Monday to ensure “the eradication of hunger”, which, it said in a statement, foresee better coordination between civil society, national businesspeople and government institutions.


At the meeting of the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers, held under the guidance of President João Lourenço, the Presidential Decree approving the National Strategy for Food and Nutritional Security 2024-2034 (ENSAN II) and its Action Plan was considered, reads in the statement issued at the end of the meeting.

Within the scope of the Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan (PASAN II), the executive intends to promote better coordination between civil society, national business and government institutions, in the combination of efforts to identify problems and eventually propose solutions. guidelines, aiming at the adoption of measures “so that Food and Nutrition Security in the country reaches satisfactory levels more in line with the existing capacities and availability at local, regional and national levels”, he adds.

The documents, which have not been released, contain strategic guidelines to promote a sustainable food and nutrition system and aim to promote universal access to adequate food for all Angolans, ensuring the preservation of natural resources and strengthening food resilience. of the country, says the statement.

In relation to the fishing sector, three diplomas were analyzed, namely the Presidential Decree that approves the Management Measures for Marine Fisheries, Continental Fisheries, Aquaculture and Salt for the year 2025, aiming to guarantee the balance between exploration and conservation of resources. aquatic biologicals, promote sustainable aquaculture and increase salt production and its quality.

The Presidential Decree approving the Fishing Fleet Management Measures was also considered, a diploma whose objective is to adapt the capacity of licensed vessels to the biological, economic and social challenges that currently affect the fishing sector, in order to establish a balance between fishing capacity and the sustainability of fishing resources.

The ministers also analyzed the Presidential Decree that approves the Immediate Measures for the Operationalization and Dynamization of Aquaculture in the Period 2025-2027, a diploma with measures that will allow a new boost to the fishing sector, through the significant increase in national fish production, it adds.


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