Ver Angola


Country with a total of 783 cases of cholera and three more deaths in the last 24 hours

The Ministry of Health announced that 75 more cases of cholera were reported in the last 24 hours, with three deaths recorded, bringing the total to 783 cases and 35 deaths, spread across five provinces.


Luanda remains the worst-hit province, with 41 new cases recorded in the last 24 hours, 24 of which were in the municipality of Cacuaco, the epicenter of the outbreak declared on January 7.

17 cases were also reported in the province of Bengo and 17 in the province of Icolo and Bengo.

Of the three deaths reported in the last 24 hours, two were recorded in the province of Luanda and the third in the province of Icolo and Bengo.

Currently, 83 people are hospitalized with cholera.

In total, 783 cases have been recorded since the beginning of the outbreak, with ages ranging from 2 to 81 years old, with the most affected age groups being 2 to 9 years old, with 195 cases and 11 deaths, and 10 to 19 years old. , with 198 cases and five deaths.

Of the 783 cases, 546 were registered in the province of Luanda, 149 in the province of Icolo and Bengo, 84 in the province of Bengo, three in the province of Malanje and one in the province of Huambo, of which 413 (53 percent) were female and 370 (47 percent) male.

There have been 35 deaths since the beginning of the outbreak, of which 25 were in Luanda province, six in Bengo province, and four in Icolo and Bengo province.

Health Minister Sílvia Lutucuta said she intends to have the cholera outbreak under control by March, through community work and health promotion, supply of drinking water, elimination of waste sources, early treatment of cases and acquisition of vaccines. .

Government entities and the Angolan Armed Forces have set up small hydration centers in the most critical areas, as well as cholera treatment centers.


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