Ver Angola


Cholera outbreak surpasses 700 cases. Luanda remains the worst-affected province

The country reached a total of 708 cases of cholera this Wednesday since the beginning of the outbreak, on January 7, with 37 new records, of which 21 were in the Luanda area, according to the latest epidemiological bulletin from the Ministry of Health.


The outbreak that began in Luanda, with its epicentre in the municipality of Cacuaco, has now spread to four other provinces: Bengo, Icolo e Bengo, Malanje and Huambo.

The 708 cases are spread across Luanda (505), Icolo e Bengo (132), Bengo (67), Malanje (3) and Huambo (1), with people aged between 2 and 81 years old, with 32 deaths and 63 people hospitalised with cholera.

The age groups most affected are: 2 to 9 years old, with 176 cases and 10 deaths, and 10 to 19 years old, with 176 cases and three deaths.


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